This is up to you! Like a choose your own adventure novel!

Here are some options to get you moving on some next steps. 

Want a break down of each step? Check the side bar where there's a post dedicated to each step as well as some free downloads to help you out.

Need more? Check out my membership that's only 47 bucks a month and it comes we step by step videos, worksheets, monthly Q&A's as well as a community where all questions are answered! 

If you would prefer business specific help, never hesitate and reach out to me personally at the door is always open :) 

Whats Next?!

Group coaching is a coaching experience that involves coaching multiple clients at the same time. This type of coaching package typically involves regular group coaching sessions via video conferencing.

Group coaching is ideal for clients who want to connect with a community of like-minded individuals, share their experiences, and receive feedback from others.

This would be your mid-price point package as your clients do not get 1:1 time with you unless requested. 

You clients meet new people and learn from one another 
Spend less time & make more money
More Scalable '

Feels less personal 
It can be challenging working with a group
You need to obtain a group

In my experience once you are getting a really good demand for your one on one you can start accumulating these people into a group program!  

Online courses W Voxer/ Message support



Group Coaching Programs

One-on-one coaching is a personalized coaching experience that is tailored to the individual client's needs and goals.

This would be your higher price point package as it does require your undivided attention and personalized work for your client.

This type of coaching package typically involves regular coaching sessions with a coach via video conferencing or phone calls. One-on-one coaching is ideal for clients who want personalized attention, customized coaching plans, and individualized support.

The advantages
Personalized to each client
You get to tailor each session to where they currently are
Higher price point
Builds really strong relationships
Easier to hold people accountable

The Disadvantages 
Consumes more of your time 
Can cap your income
Higher Price Point
Will take longer to scale

I personally started with an one on one offering because it did allow me to spend extra time with my clients and to make sure they got the transformation they desired and it got me social proof I needed to scale. 

Pro Tip: Having a back end program developed allows you to teach the basics through videos, work sheets and templates so when you're working 1:1 together you can really focus on the clients needs. (BUT.. this does not need to be done right away, this is a project that takes time do NOT get hung up here)

1 on 1 coaching packages

In business TIME is your #1 greatest asset and if you're not optimizing that time with the proper packages for your clients then you are going to 

A. Burnout
B. Capp out your income 

Also, every person learns differently, wants different things and (lets be honest) has a different budget. So, what you need to do is have different offerings to accommodate these needs while still making sure your clients are getting the transformation that they desire

This article is going to be longer but stick with me because it is packed with knowledge that people would 100% expect you to pay for. 

BUCKLE UP and lets get more people in your programs and make you WAY MORE MOOLA! 

Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. When you click these links I may receive a small commission. It won’t cost you anything but it does help me run this site. I only promote products and services that I stand behind. I have worked in the online space for over 5 years, and use my experience to judge whether a product is worthy, so you can be assured that I always have your best interests at heart.

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